Sunday, April 21, 2019

Keil/Microvision - Creating a New Project for Tiva™ C Series TM4C123G LaunchPad

  1. Create New Folder on Documents (or any location) and name it
  2. On Microvision ==> Project ==> New Microvision Project & name it ==> ARM Cortex M4 ==> ARMCM4
  3. Copy/paste "inc" folder that includes "tm4c123gh6pm.h" on new folder you created on step 1.
  4. Copy/paste "startup.s on new folder your created on step 1.
  5. On Microvision, right-click on Source Group 1
    • Add existing ==> startup.s
    • Add new item to group ==> c file ==> name it "main (or any that you'd like)"
  6. Make sure to click on "options for target" ==> debug ==> "Use:" ==> "Stellaris ICDI"

Stepper Motor Code

7 files needed for this code to work:
Header Files
1. stepper.h // don't add to source group
2. systick.h // don't add to source group

Source (group) Code Files (you only add .c type files, not .h which is called on the #include)
3. startup.s // add to source group
4. stepper.c // add to source group
5. main.c (in this case, mainStep.c) // add to source group
6. SysTick.c // add to source group
#include "inc/tm4c123gh6pm.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include "stepper.h"

#define T1ms 16000 // assumes using 16 MHz PIOSC (default setting // for clock source)

int main(void){


Stepper_CCW(T1ms); // Pos=1; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=9
Stepper_CCW(T1ms); // Pos=2; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=5
Stepper_CCW(T1ms); // Pos=3; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=6
Stepper_CCW(T1ms); // Pos=4; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=10
Stepper_CCW(T1ms); // Pos=5; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=9
Stepper_CCW(T1ms); // Pos=6; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=5
Stepper_CCW(T1ms); // Pos=7; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=6
Stepper_CCW(T1ms); // Pos=8; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=10

SYSCTL_RCGC2_R |= 0x18; // Using PORT E

GPIO_PORTE_AMSEL_R &=~ 0x01;// 3) disable analog functionality on PD3-0
GPIO_PORTE_DIR_R &=~ 0x01;// 5) make PD3-0 out
GPIO_PORTE_AFSEL_R &=~ 0x01;// 6) disable alt functon PD3-0
GPIO_PORTE_DEN_R |= 0x01;// 7) enable digital I/O on PD3-0


if ((GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R &0x01) == 0x00) {
Stepper_CW(2*T1ms); // output every 10ms

else {
Stepper_CCW(2*T1ms); // output every 10ms
  //Stepper_Seek(50, 2*T1ms);
